
- Laudatio at the Music Authors Award of the GEMA Berlin on Febr. 27.2025

- looking forward to visit the Eastman School of Music Rochester New York between 2nd and 8th of March 2025 for a concert, lectures and consulting for a new spatial sound system.

Ludger Brümmer is currently Professor forComposition with Digital Media and directed the HertzLab, former Institute for Music and Acoustic at the ZKM Karlsruhe between April 2003 and March 2023. He studied composition (artistic maturity) at theFolkwang Hochschule Essen and wasVisiting Scholar at the Centre forResearch in Music andAcoustics (CCRMA) at Stanford University, USA from 1991-1993. In 2000 he has been aResearch Fellow at Kingston UniversityLondon, and in 2002 Professor of Compositionat the Sonic Arts Research Centre, Belfast (SARC). Since 2003 he became Director of the Institute forMusic and Acoustics, now the HertzLab, at the ZKM | Centre for Art andMedia and Visiting Professorat the University of Arts and DesignKarlsruhe.In 2009 he was appointed to the Academy of the Arts in Berlin and in 2017 he became a professor at the State University for Music Trossingen.

Prizes and awards as a composer include the "Busoni-Preis" of the Akademie der Künste Berlin, the "Golden Nica" of the Prix Ars Electronica, the "Pierre d'Or" in 1997 and 2001 at the "Concours International de Musique Elecroacoustique" Bourges, the Larry Austin Prize of the ICMA San Francisco and Honorary Mentions at the "Russolo Competition" and the "Musica Sacrae" Fribourg. He was awarded the Honorary Prize of the German Music Critics in 2024.

He has created works for fixed media, multimedia, interdisciplinary projects, as well as works for dance, live electronics and live video. The opera project Amazonas was performed at the Munich Biennale and in Sao Paulo in 2010. Collaborations with the light artist rosalie include Lichtblick Bad Rodenfelden, with Susanne Linke for the Ruhrort dance project and with Bernd Lintermann for the Spin project. His recent double CD set "Sonic Pattern" and "Spheres of Resonance" was included in the German Music Critics' List of the Best Releases of 2023. He got the Award of Honor of the German Music Critics in 2024 for his lifetime work and the double CDs Spheres of Resonance.